You may want to find a veterinarian that specializes in reptiles to check your boa for possible health issues. However, if there is a more drastic change in your boa’s temperament, there may be cause for concern. At this time it is a good idea to avoid handling your snake. A good example might be right before or while your boa is shedding its skin. Even humans have days where they want to be left alone. If your boa’s temperament changes from time to time, there is nothing to be concerned about. Sudden Changes in Your Boa Constrictors Temperament Avoid threatening behaviors toward the snake.You can help to lessen aggression in your boa by doing the following: When your boa is feeling aggressive, they will show the following behaviors:

Is Your Boa Constrictor Showing Signs Of Aggression Use multiple handling sessions to get the snake acclimated to you.To help alleviate your boa’s fear, you can: If your boa is exhibiting any of the following behaviors, they may be experiencing fear: The following actions and behavior denote happy, positive feelings in your boa constrictor: Some of the major emotions conveyed by a boa constrictor and the behaviors that are exhibited along with them are: Pleasure, Friendliness, and Happiness There are a few signs you can look for to discern your boa’s temperament. And it is imperative to know if your snake is upset. Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell how a snake is feeling. Boa Constrictor Temperamentīoas are a great choice for some people people.
#Red tailed boa constrictor how to#
Read on to learn more about the temperament of boas, whether they are dangerous, and how to handle them correctly. So for the most part, this article will be focusing on the common boa or the Colombian red tailed boa. There are actually many types of boas that you can have as pets. So I would not recommend just anyone going out to purchase a boa without knowing what they are getting into. Some boas can grow up to 10 feet in length or longer. I have experienced aggressive defensive boas from owners who neglected their pet boas. However, as with most pets, if they feel threatened, this demeanor can quickly change. My experience is that well-kept boa constrictors are friendly and make great pets. So let’s talk about the temperament of boa constrictors and whether or not they make friendly pets.īoa constrictors are typically mild-mannered with an even temperament when properly cared for and handled. But because of their size, people often worry about the temperament of boa constrictors and whether or not they are dangerous. Boas can make great pets and are generally friendly snakes.