Old files and cluttered caches can reduce your Mac’s available RAM and cause your system to slow down. Why it is necessary to Add more RAMīy default, most Macs were shipped with around 8GB of RAM. Your computer places your program’s files in RAM temporarily while you are working with them so that your computer can access that information faster and efficiently. Once the files are retrieved, the computer needs a working area to process the data and allow you to interact with it. When you launch a program, your computer gathers the program’s files from the hard drive. Like in a computer, the more RAM you have the more process your computer can handle at once. The bigger the office the more people can do different tasks simultaneously. It works similarly like when you are working in an office. You keep all your files in internal storage but you can’t choose what to save in your RAM as your computer needs flexibility in moving files in or out of that memory all the time.

It is different from the internal storage on your Mac. It’s essential for your computer to work properly. The more running programs your computer has, the more it uses memory to perform properly. It stores the information the computer is actively using so that it can be accessed quickly.
Random Access Memory (RAM) is a computer’s temporary data storage device. If your Mac frequently performs slowly or freezing all the time, you see a “Your system has run out of application memory” message or occasionally seeing the dreadful spinning beach ball, chances of these can be signs that your memory, or RAM, is being used to the max.